Kindle Killer

Labels:, ASUS Eee PC, Kindle
Refreshingly Bitter And Twisted Observations On Life's Passing Parade.
Labels:, ASUS Eee PC, Kindle
Then again, I’m not entirely convinced that Madonna wasn’t somehow willed into existence some time in the late ‘70s by Camile Paglia. It’s as if Paglia was sitting around one day and thought “Wow, if only there was one virgin-whore-bitch-goddess-sinner-saint-icon-God who could embody every pretentious idea I’ve ever had. Then I’d be set.” Bam! Suddenly a full-grown Madonna would materialize out of thin air and masturbate with a big black crucifix while dressed as Elvis.
Labels: Camille Paglia, Madonna
One day, one hopes, any trade-off between environmental responsibility and economic growth might be rendered moot by new energy sources that enable us to maintain our economically and technologically advanced society without turning the Arctic into Club Med.
Labels: Andrew Sulivan, conservation, science fiction, technocracy
Labels:, ebooks, Jeff Bezos, Kindle, Sony
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