Precious Cargo

Refreshingly Bitter And Twisted Observations On Life's Passing Parade.

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Location: Valley Village, California, United States

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Another Marilyn Monroe Hoax

"Laird's assertion that she is the reincarnation of the late Hollywood icon is sure to be dismissed by skeptics. But it has found an ardent defender in a Malibu psychiatrist named Adrian Finkelstein, who said he uncovered Laird's previous existence after placing her under hypnosis as part of a highly controversial therapy known as 'past life regression,' in which patients recall their past lives as a way to deal with problems in their current lives."

"'In science, and I'm a scientist, we end up believing in what we prove scientifically,' Finkelstein said in a recent interview. 'I established through research that Sherrie Lea Laird is the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe.'"

"Indeed, he noted, she was able to answer — under hypnosis — hundreds of carefully researched questions about Monroe's life. He noted that some of her answers could have been known only by the real Monroe, such as being able to identify the actress' maternal aunts in a family photograph."

"His videotaped sessions with Laird — who bears little resemblance to the late screen legend — are recounted in a new book he wrote titled 'Marilyn Monroe Returns: The Healing of a Soul.'"

Utter rubbbish. If only Monroe could identify her maternal aunts, then how can anyone else check whether Laird's identification is correct or not? In order for Finkelstein to know whether Laird's identification is correct, he would have to have independent knowledge of the aunts' names. And if their identity yields to research, which it should, then anyone alive willing to do the work can find the answer.

Tom Friedman, Billionaire

At The Huffington Post, David Sirota writes, “I've documented repeatedly how New York Times columnist Tom Friedman parrots the propaganda of Big Money, using his column to legitimize some of the worst, most working-class-persecuting policies this country has seen in the last century - all while bragging on television that he doesn't even bother read the details of the policies he advocates for.

As the July edition of the Washingtonian Magazine notes, Friedman lives in "a palatial 11,400-square-foot house, now valued at $9.3 million, on a 7½-acre parcel just blocks from I-495 and Bethesda Country Club." He "married into one of the 100 richest families in the country" - the Bucksbaums, whose real-estate Empire is valued at $2.7 billion.

So the next time you read a piece by Tom Friedman telling us how wonderful job outsourcing is or how great it is to pass Big Money's latest trade deal that include no labor, wage, human rights or environmental provisions - just remember: Tom Friedman, scion of a billionaire business empire, is just doing right by his own economic class."

The allegedly liberal media-Friedman has a platform at the New York Times (which Dennis Prager labels an enemy of America) and practically lives on Tim Russert’s show-embrace Friedman and also free trade fanatics like John Stossel-because all media outlets are owned by a handful of giant corporations.

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