Precious Cargo

Refreshingly Bitter And Twisted Observations On Life's Passing Parade.

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Location: Valley Village, California, United States

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Apology Ritual

The apology ritual. First, a public figure makes an offensive, hurtful statement. Second, their statement is broadcast to every corner of the world. Third, they make an apology, making sure that it too is broadcast far and wide.

Sherman Yellen zeros in on the meaningless nature of these apologies:

McCain demonstrated his when he appeared at a Republican fundraiser in 1998, where he told this Rush Limbaugh style joke: "Question: Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Answer: Because her father is Janet Reno!" How the assembled Republicans roared as he humiliated an innocent child, cast sexual aspersions on the Attorney General and probably Hillary, all in the name of good old family-values politics. Of course he apologized later. They always do after the damage is done.

McCain or Giuliani: Vote No

Sherman Yellen has an excllent column at The Hufington Post reminding us why there are very good reasons neither McCain or Giuliani should become the next president.

As "America's Mayor" after 9/11 Rudy was proclaimed an American hero because unlike Bush he didn't duck for cover, but anyone examining his past and the claims made for him will find that Rudy lives in a house of cards.

What many have forgotten in our rush to the next news cycle, and the next freak show, is John McCain's role as one of the Keating Five; a group of Senators (alas four of the five were Democrats) who attempted to pressure an investigator into easing off on the Lincoln S&L investigation.

So much has been made of John Murtha's ethical lapses in the past it is remarkable that McCain's dubious acts seem to be inoculated from close inspection by the newsmakers. Like Rudy, McCain is viewed as a moderate, but both these alleged Republican moderates have a deep grained streak of cruelty. McCain demonstrated his when he appeared at a Republican fundraiser in 1998, where he told this Rush Limbaugh style joke: "Question: Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Answer: Because her father is Janet Reno!"

Bush Pardons Turkeys, Soldiers Less Lucky

"President Bush on Wednesday pardoned the two white-feathered birds — Flyer and Fryer — at a White House ceremony for the 59th anniversary of the National Turkey Pardon.

"Flyer's probably wondering where he's going to wind up tomorrow. He's probably thinking he's going to end up on somebody's table," Bush said. "I'm happy to report that he and Fryer both have many tomorrows ahead of them."

Independent of anything else that bothers me about this, I'm more than irritated just by the childishness and triviality of this stupid photo op ritual.

I have really come to loathe holidays with all the attendant phony celebration of virtues that they engender, not to mention the insane commercialization.

I'm so glad President Bush spared Flyer and Fryer's necks. Too bad the necks of our soldiers are still on the chopping block.

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