The Real Da Vinci Code Conspiracy

The wingnut talk radio blabbers have been going on and on in lockstep by insisting that the film version of The Da Vinci Code is part of the (imaginary) war on Christianity because Ron Howard should have placed a disclaimer on the movie announcing that its plot does not correspond to the historical truth about Jesus.
This begs the question: what historical truth about Jesus? The historical record reveals no empirical evidence of Jesus's existence. The first, fleeting mention of Jesus comes decades later in the writings of the Roman Jew Josephus. There is no contemporaneous account of Jesus or his teachings.
The wingnuts' latest anti-Hollywood campaign reminds me of the remark someone made that Senator Joe McCarthy couldn't be doing more damage to this country if he was a communist agent. Richard Condon was inspired by that observation to make the idiotic, rabidly anti-communist Senator Ickes in The Manchurian Candidate the tool of his wife, a powerful communist conspirator.
The wingnuts couldn't be helping The Da Vinci Code more if they were in the employ of the studio's publicity machine. Hmmm...
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