CNN Spews Neocon Propaganda

Any doubt one might have that the mainstream media are conduits for corporatism and neocon political propaganda and therefore have a conservative bias were dispelled Wednesday and Thursday by CNN's coverage of Ahmadinejad and Hugo Chavez at the United Nations.
Wednesday, I watched coverage of Chavez's speech on Lou Dobbs' show. As they showed part of Chavez's speech they placed a subject title next to the CNN logo: LEFTIST MENACE.
Thursday night, Anderson Cooper's story repeated all the same things we've been hearing about Ahmadinejad and Iran. He denies the Holocaust and says Israel should be destroyed, he lies about Iran's nuclear program, he hates America, he presides over a repressive government that denies its citizens democracy.
I have no problem with analyzing the prejudice or falsity of Ahmadinejad's statements. What I vehemently object to in the coverage of Chavez and Ahmadinejad is the complete lack of a comparative and historical context.
Why are Ahmadinejad and Iran hostile toward America? One reason is that the United States overthrew Iran's democratically elected leader Mossadegh and replaced him with the Shah, who ruled with the help of his secret police. Another reason is that we assisted Saddam Hussein against Iran during the Iran-Iraq war. George W. Bush selected Iran as one of the three members of the "Axis of Evil," and we've already toppled one of the three. Since then, Bush and Condoleeza Rice have continued to rattle sabers at Iran, supposedly because of their nuclear program.
Given the historical context and past relations between Iran and the US, what would you do if you were Ahmadinejad? Wouldn't you feel threatened?
CNN and the rest of what the right term the MSM are the conduits for this administration's demonization of any leader we don't like who's country holds large reserves of oil and who defies the United States.
All the same bullcrap rhetoric that was used to justify the war in Iraq is being recycled for the coming war against Iran. Ahmadinejad and Iran's leaders are working on developing nuclear weapons and deny their people democracy. Right now those are the talking points.
The reality is that Iran is ten years away from a nuclear weapon, and it would mean their destruction if they ever used one against us. The principle of deterrence which worked against the "Evil Empire" of Russia, who had thousands of warheads aimed at us, should certainly work with Iran.
As for lack of democracy in Iran? Don't make me laugh. Bush and the neocons don't really care about democracy in the Middle East.
Look at Pakistan. There's an Islamic country led by a general who took power in a coup. Pakistan has nuclear weapons, they nurtured the Taliban and still allow them to take refuge in their country. Musharaf recently struck a deal where he agreed not to molest the Taliban in part of his country. After Pakistan's nuclear scientist A. Q. Khan was found to have given nuclear secrets to North Korea and Iran he was sentenced to a wrist slap of house arrest.
But Pakistan is our "valuable ally in the war against terror."
What a bullcon.
you are a commie. and we are giving iraq to iran now. do your homework. not acceptable. we are blatantly favoring iran over syria in the power vacuum over there. we still sell syria guns but have handed over power and territory in iraq to iran. syria is threatened due to their secular status. i think we are pulling iran and syria into a proxy war in iraq as we pull out. nonetheless, do your homework.
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